Senin, 01 November 2010

Dangers of smoking!

If you do not smoke, do not  start. And we do not encourage current smokers to smoke more. There are serious health risks that go along with smoking any tobacco product and there is no safe cigarette. That is why a Surgeon Generals Warning is on every pack. The best way to reduce the risks of smoking is to quit. Cigarettes of any kind is not safe, even if the manufacturer offers low levels of tar and nicotine, JUST THE SAME! Do not believe? Evidence of each cigarette manufacturer must include the risk on each pack of cigarette packets, "SMOKING CAN CAUSE CANCER, HEART ATTACK, AND THE INTERRUPTION OF PREGNANCY AND FETAL Impotence" right? In contrast to the BIR or alcoholic beverages (alcohol, liquor), even though Islam forbids but there is no package that outlines the dangers. But the cigarette! Although only limited makruh or hated but the packaging will clearly state the dangers of smoking. The best way to avoid this risk is to quit smoking!

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