Jumat, 08 September 2017

Buat kamu, Adik tersayang @radentriasutut 🙋🎓🎉 

Si kecil berkepang pita,
Hari-harinya berbahagia
Tak pernah terlihat duka
Tak pernah berkaca-kaca.

Si kecil berkepang pita,
Hidupnya penuh manja
Tak kenal kata usaha
Hanya mampuh meminta.

Si kecil berkepang pita,
Kini tumbuh dewasa
Tak ada lagi bermanja-manja
Hidupnya tak lagi gempita.

Si gadis berjilbab merah muda,
Hari ini berbahagia
Di semat di hari wisuda
Sebagai janji kepada sang Pria.

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Pejuang Hidup!

Tak terhitung entah berapa banyak jarum merah berputar di hari yg terdiri dari empat huruf ini.
Sedari sambutan hangat hingga berujung gigilan ia dapati.
Makhluk bersayap hitampun tak nampak di depan mata. Kini yang nampak hanyalah makhluk berbalut kain yang lungsuh tak sedap dipandangi.
Dia adalah pejuang hidup!
Pengabdiannya bukan untuk negara layaknya orang-orang berbaju dengan garis, bintang ataupun gantungan yang membuat orang berbeda dengan makhlukNya. Ia berjuang untuknya, untukku, dan keluarga kami yang hampir datang. "RN"

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Teruntuk KAU "Si Kepala Batu"

Ucapmu tak lagi sama dengan yang lalu.
Layaknya kamus yang selalu berkembang, berganti, dan berubah demi terbentuknya kata yang mereka anggap sempurna.
Sungguh ini bukan kali pertama!
Aku kecewa hingga tak tersisa rasa bahagia yg pernah aku miliki.
Aku ada untuk dicinta bukan untuk kau bandingkan dengan dewi-dewi yang sebenarnya tak layak untuk kau bandingkan! 
Yang kau tau tentang mereka adalah segelintir kecil dari tumpukkan jarum yang mereka kubur di bawah tanah yang dalam.
Hubungan merekapun tak jauh lebih buruk dari KAU dan AKU.
Percayalah sayang! Hubungan kita yang terbaik dari sejarah apapun!
Kau terlalu menginginkan hubungan yg sempurna layaknya yang ada di cerita-cerita dongeng belaka.
Aku muak dengan skrip yang kau ciptakan sendiri!
Kau buat indah untukmu dan kau lupakan akan kehadiranku!
Kau campakkan kata-kataKU yang telah ku hias indah untukmu.
Sungguh hatiku hampir lelah menunggu kata-kata yang tak kunjung kau balas.
Aku berbeda dengan mereka. Kau berikan aku cinta dengan rasa pahit sedangkan mereka tidak!
Aku benci mencintaimu!
Aku benci melepasmu!
Aaaaaaaaa....... aku benci si kepala batu! :'(

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

RAJAKU TELAH PERGI (Di dedikasikan untuk pria yang Ku panggil AYAH)

Rabu lalu,
Detak jantungku berdetak tak seperti biasanya.
Seakan sedang berlari kencang entah kemana.
Namun aku hanya duduk terdiam.

Tanganku erat menggenggam tangan halus nan lembut.
Pandanganku tak ku lepas darinya.
Egoku mulai menurun.
Ku bisikan kalimat-kalimat penuntun ke Surga.

Aku telah memohon.
Dengan permohonan yang sama.
Yang Maha Kuasa berkehendak lain.

Saat itu,
Pria berjas putih menghampiriku dan berkata "MAAF" --------------------
Seakan sedang berada di dunia mimpi,
Namun aku tak sedang tertidur lelap.

Ruang sunyi itu berubah menjadi haru seketika.
Mereka menangis,
Namun aku hanya terdiam.
Ku panjatkan doa:
Robbighfir lii wa li waalidayya warhamhumaa kamaa robbayaanii shoghiiroo

Terhapuslah rasa hancur, sedih saat aku melihat wajahnya yang begitu tenang.
Dan tak nampak seperti hari-hari saat Ia berjuang melawan sakitnya.
Aku percaya akan kehendak Yang Maha Kuasa.
Beliau pergi bukan untuk meninggalkan  kami,
Tapi untuk menunggu kami semua di tempat keabadian. :')

Selamat Ulang Tahun (Di dedikasikan untuk pria yang Ku panggil AYAH)

Dua belas bulan yang lalu.
Aku dan yang lain berada disini.
Di satu ruang.
Di ruang yang tak nyaman dan penuh dengan obat-obatan.
Bahagia, haru, dan tawa di ruang itu.
Kami masih berenam saat itu.
Yang berulang tahun adalah si pemilik ruangan.
Ia menangis, terharu, dan tersenyum saat melihat lilin-lilin ditumpukan coklat meleleh.
Namun kali ini kami hanya berlima.
Tak ada lagi si pemilik ruangan itu.
Kami sungguh mencintainya.
Namun yang Maha Kuasa lebih mencintainya.
Selamat Ulang Tahun Ayah.
Selamat Ulang Tahun.....
Sampai bertemu ditempat keabadian :')

Senin, 09 April 2012

Descrimination of Girl Who Live in The Village
Richard (1994: 561) states that gender is a range of characteristics used to distinguish between males and females, particularly in the cases of men and women and the masculine and feminine attributes assigned to them. Depending on the context, the discriminating characteristics vary from sex to social role to gender identity.
Based on my observation in the village. Girls who live in the village do not have high education. Most of girls who live in the village graduated from elementary school and the highest education is senior high school. I have ever heard an old woman said to her daughter like this: “What for you go to school if at the end you go back to the kitchen. It may be needed to go to school if you are boy and you should get the best education for your future because the men have to catch the good job not only for themselve but also for their family”.
It means that girls to fullfill the roles of good wives and mother. They were also to impose an ideal family form in which a male acts as a breadwinner and a woman as an economically dependents, full time wife and mother. The view that women were different from men not only biologically but socially, intelectually and psychologically.
I think it is unfair for girls who live in the village because most of girls who live in the village just have low education. Although, in the fact many women success in their job after they got education.
When I was senior high school, I have a bestfriend. Her name is Nia. She was the smartest student in my class. She always got scholarship so she could school until senior high school. She live in the village. She came from able family but her mother banned her to continue school in the University. She tought that every girls who school at the end she must go back to the kitchen. So my friend did not continue her school. Whereas she want to be a teacher.
At the end, the discrimination between men and women who live in the village has happened since a long time ago and still happen nowadays. The descrimination happened because the parents who live in the village got low education so they do not understand how is the important of education.
Udry, J. Richard. 1994. The Nature of Gender. Jakarta.
Suharno. 2007. Introduction to English Literature. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka


Semantic    : The branch of linguistics which studies meaning (Trask, 1999: 268)
Semiotics   : The study of the social production of meaning from sign system (Trask, 1999: 270)
Icon, Index and Symbol (Saeed, 2000: 5)
·      Icon is where there is a similarity between a sign and what it represents.
·      Index is where a sign is closely associated with its referent, often in a causal relationship.
·      Symbol is where there is only a conventional link between the sign and the referent.
Challenge 1 in doing semantics (Saeed, 2000: 6-7)
1.    Circularity
2.    Linguistic Knowledge (about the meaning of words) Versus Encyclopaedic Knowledge (about the way theworld)
Ex: What is tomato? It is a fruit or vegetable?
3.    Meaning of utterance incontext
Prototypical word has the following properties:
1.    It is the smallest grammatical unit that can be moved around in a sentence or be separated from its fellows by the insertionof new material.
2.    It is the largestunit which can not be reordered.
3.    It usually consists of a single root, either alone or with one or more affixes.
Cruse (2006:92) defined lexeme as the fundamental unit of lexical semantics (it is dealing with an associationbetween form and meaning). It coresponds roughly to one of the everyday uses of the term ‘word’.
Units of talk, talks, talked and all differetalking are
Trask (1999: 273) states that sentence is the largest purely grammatical unit in a language. The unit is held together by rigid grammatical rules.
            Grammar is the rules for constructing words and sentence in a particular language (Trask, 1999: 110). Similar to that, (Matthews, 1997: 150) states that grammar is a systematic account of structure of a language and it is also dealing with patterns of the structure.
Sentence Vs Sentence Fragment
Consider this exchange.
Mike    : “Where’s Susi?”
Alice    : “In the library”.
Thus, grammatically
·      Mike’s utterance represents a sentence (because it is constructed according to the rules for making English sentence); but,
·      Alice’s response does not represent a sentence (because it is only a fragment of a sentence)
            Matthews (1997: 279) defines phrase as any sintatic unit which includes more than one word and is not an entri sentence.
Trask (1999: 35-6) defines clause as the largest grammatical unit smaller than a sentence.
Traditionally, a clause cosists of a subject and a predicate. Trask also points out that every sentence must consist of one clause or it can consist of more than one clause.
Syntax and Semantics (Fromkin and Rodman, 1998: 181)
            Syntax is concerned with how words are combined to form phrases and sentences.
            Semantics is concerned with what the combinations mean.
Sentence Relation and Truth
            There are fixed truth relations between sentences which hold regardless of the empirical truth of the sentences (Saeed, 2000: 90)
            In standard system of logic, a truth value is a property of a proposition; there are normally only two possible truth values: ‘true’ and ‘false’ (Cruse, 2006: 185).
            We can see the claim of fixed truth relation by looking at the semantic relation of entailment (Saeed, 2000: 90).
§  The anarchist assassinated the emperor. (P)
§  The emporer died. (Q)
Cruse (2006: 54-55) states that entailment is a logical relation between proposition.
·      A proposition P entails a proposition Q
·      If and only if the truth of Q follows inescapably from the truth of P

            Trask (1999: 89) states that normally, if P entails Q, then Q does not entail P; but it is possible for P and Q to entail each other, and this case we are looking at paraphrase.
P ‘Sally sold a car to Mike’.
Q ‘Mike bought a car from Sally’.

            Trask (1999: 89) points out that an entailment (conversational implicature) differs from a presupposition. Trask (1999: 248) mentions that, in presupposition, when we hear an utterance, we are immediately entitled to draw certain following inference.
P ‘John’s wife runs a boutique.’
Q ‘John is married.’
        P presupposes Q

Entailment Vs Presupposition
            Trask (1999: 89) mentions that an entailment is destroyed by negation.
‘The anarchist assassinated the emperor’ entails ‘The emperor died’ but
‘The anarchist did not assassinate the emperor’ does not entail ‘The emperor died’.
Meanwhile, a presupposition survives negation.
‘John’s wife does not run a boutique’ still presupposes ‘John is married’. (Trask, 1999: 248

Situation Types:
Stative Verbs Vs Dynamic Verbs
            Certain lexical categories, in particular verbs, inherently describe different situation types; some describe states, other are dynamic and describe process and events (Saeed, 2000: 109).
Stative Verbs like be, have, know and love allow the speaker to view a situation as a steady state (Saeed, 2000: 109).
            Dynamic Verbs can be classified into a number of types, based on the semantic distinction durative / punctual and telic / atelic. One possible  distinction within dynamic situation types is between events and processes (Saeed, 2000: 110).

Tense and Aspect
            Tense is defined as the grammatical category which relates to time. In other words, tense is the grammaticalization of verbs (Trask, 1999: 311).
            Aspect is defined as grammatical category which represents distinction in the temporal structure of an event; it may be seen as extending over a period of time or as occurring in a single moment (Trask, 1999: 23).

Modal Verbs
            Cruse (2006: 110)  mentions that there are two main dimensions of modality:
·      First is ‘eepistemic modality’ which is concerned with certainty or doubt, possibility or impossibility; in other words, it is dealing with the speaker’s attitude to the truth of the proposition;
·      Second is ‘deontic modality’ which is the dimension of obligation, permission and prohition.