Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Why I Should Say No to Drugs?

Drugs!  They are wonderful!  They kill pain, fight disease, and save lives.  Drugs are horrible!  They ruin lives, and kill their victims.  Drugs abound everywhere and whether or not these drugs become pain relievers or painful addictions, disease fighters or disease promoters, life savers or sure killers is the choice of the user.  Undeniably, drugs used in a restrained, controlled manner can create a wide world of medical wonders for almost every kind of ailment imaginable, but drugs used in a haphazardly nonmedical, abusive fashion can create a horrid hell or horrors for those who fall prey. It is to this latter addictive, narcotic, abusive use of drugs that humankind the world over should proclaim a loud, resounding "No."

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